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No. 3. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.115-125

A. N. Bozhko, Professor, S. V. Rodionov, Assistant Professor, Bauman Moscow State University, Moscow

Combinatorial Methods of Geometric Reasoning in CAD-Systems. A Review

The article is devoted to modeling the geometric reasoning of complex scenes in computer-aided design systems. When developing complex processes and systems, obstacle analysis must be performed with high accuracy for a large number of design alternatives. The classical methods of collision detection, motion planning and virtual reality are very computationally expensive. Combinatorial methods are widely used in modern design systems. As a rule, they give easily computable necessary conditions for geometric reasoning, which makes it possible to discard obviously unrealizable design options. The article provides an overview of the most famous methods of this class.
Keywords: geometric reasoning, collision detection, motion planning, obstacle, computer-aided design, assembly planning

P. 115–125

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