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No. 11. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.607-615

Å. À. Shniakina, Senior Lecturer, V. N. Kostin, Dr. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor,
Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Making Management Decisions on Structural Changes in the System Physical Protection of the Object for Increasing its Efficiency

The article deals with the development of control solutions to ensure the necessary requirements for the effectiveness of the system of physical protection of critical facilities. The security status of a critical facility is presented in the form of a matrix: rows are variants of intruder penetration routes to the facility, and columns are the characteristics of penetration routes. Solving the problem of data processing using factor analysis methods on a direct and transposed matrix, significant structural relationships were obtained between the characteristics and variants of penetration routes, indicating their heterogeneity. Based on the analysis of the number and composition of the obtained factors (components), the matrix of penetration routes was decomposed. For each matrix of selected route groups, a regression equation was constructed. The analysis of the coefficients of the regression equations makes it possible to make effective control decisions on the modernization of the structure of the physical protection system in order to increase its efficiency.
Keywords: physical protection system, multivariate statistical analysis of the physical protection system structure

P. 607–615

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