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No. 12. Vol. 28. 2022

DOI: 10.17587/it.28.630-635

A. A. Dubanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, 670000, Russian Federation

Geometric Models of Target Evasion from a Pursuer

Geometric models of target evasion from a pursuer moving in a straight line and uniformly are considered. In geometric models, it is assumed that the pursuer has a detection area. The following models of the detection area were considered: circular, sector and angular. The target is initially on the line of sight and tends to leave the place of probable detection along the optimal trajectory. The issues of the minimum distance from the pursuer, when it will still be possible to leave the detection area, are considered. Note that adaptive behavior on the part of the pursuer was not modeled. Based on the results of the article, animated images were made, where you can see the process of evading the target from the pursuer.
Keywords: trajectory, target, pursuer, evasion, detection area, pursuit

P. 630–635

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