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No. 5. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.236-242

A. M. Sheveleva, PhD student, S. A. Belyaev, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Saint Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation

Phase Transitions in the Reduction of the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Two-Level Cooperative Assignment Problem

The paper considers algorithms for reducing the NP-hard traveling salesman problem to a two-level cooperative assignment problem and vice versa. The accuracy of the information of both algorithms is demonstrated by an example. Using the known conditions of the phase transition in the traveling salesman problem, copies of the problem were created, on which a computational experiment was subsequently carried out. The experiment is aimed at demonstrating the conservation of the phase transition when reducing one problem to another.
Keywords: traveling salesman problem, two-level cooperative assignment problem, reduction algorithms, phase transition

P. 236-242


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