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No. 1. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.51-56

S. V. Bochkarev, PhD in Eng., Technical Director,
"Sintez AT", Saint Petersburg, 199004, Russian Federation

Methodology of Estimation and Analysis of the Number of Actuations of Relay Equipment of Railway Automation and Telemechanic

Currently, the replacement of relay of railway automation and telemechanic is carried out at regular intervals without taking into account the actual number of relay switch. This method has such disadvantages as the lack of maximum and uniform exhaustion of the relay resource during operation and address planning of its replacement. The article proposes a scientific method that allows to manage the resource of relay of railway automation and telemechanic at the stage of its operation based on objective data on the values of its actual number of switch. To calculate the actual number of relay switch, simulation of the operation of relay and relay-processor systems of railway automation and telemechanic is used. The input data for the model of calculating the actual number of switch relay are the operation of the station (any movements of trains) and events that are recorded on the remote controller of the station attendant. The events of remote controller are changing the indication of the remote control lamps of the elements of the railway automation and telemechanic system (cancellation of the route, artificial opening, etc.). The article proposes to take data about the movement trains from technical diagnostics and monitoring systems. The data set, took as a result of processing information from technical diagnostics and monitoring systems, is compared with the algorithm (rules) of the operation of the railway automation and telemechanic system operated at the railway station or stage. On the results of comparing data from technical diagnostics and monitoring systems with the rules of operation of the railway automation and telemechanic system, it is formed a list of relay, describing the operating procedure of the railway automation and telemechanic system. The output data of the model is a list of relay with the actual number of relay switch. Data on the values of the actual number of relay switch allows determining the objective terms of its replacement and transition to address planning for the replacement of relay.
Keywords: relay equipment of railway automation and telemechanic, number of trips, resource, control unit, train position, relay system of electrical centralization, failures, replacement time, maintenance, address planning

P. 51–56


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