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No. 10. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.522-528

E. R. Sargsyan, Postgraduate, A. A. Ryndin, Dr. Sc. in Tech., Professor,
Voronezh State Technical University, Russian Federation

The Data Transmission Process Optimizing Algorithm in the Designed Telecommunication Network Structure

The data transmission process optimization problem in telecommunication network is considered by experimentally calculating resources spent on transmitting data from one point of the designed network to another. The network structure is designed based on the algorithm for placing network nodes, taking into account diffraction losses inside the urban area. The calculation of the resources spent on data transmission is carried out by bypassing the entire network structure using the modified Kosaraju algorithm. This process is carried out iteratively using simulation until it satisfies the given conditions. An algorithm is being developed that uses signal loss calculation models, as well as a network structure bypass algorithm to analyze the data transmission process, which allows designing a network model.
Keywords: data transmission, telecommunications network, diffraction loss, Kosaraju algorithm, graph, simulation, network design, Xia-Bertoni, Okamura-Hata, radio propagation

P. 522-528


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