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No. 10. Vol. 29. 2023

DOI: 10.17587/it.29.540-548

A. S. Kartamyshev, Head of the group of the department of automation of financial and economic tasks,
B. A. Chernysh, Software engineer of the group of the department of automation of financial and economic tasks, Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems

Approach to Generating Data for Analytical Reporting in the Enterprise Management System

Analytical reporting tools allow to turn disparate data accumulated in the information system into structured information described in terms of the relevant subject area. This information makes it possible to timely and adequately respond to changes, make informed management decisions for business leaders, analysts, economists, etc. The article describes the composition of business analysis systems, the components of which are built using OLAP technology. Varieties of OLAP solutions are considered. A method for constructing multidimensional cubes is proposed, developed and implemented by the authors in an automated system for managing financial and economic tasks. The scheme of storage, methodology and algorithm of data processing are described on the example of the "Purchases" subsystem. Examples of real analytical problems solved during the operation of the system at an industrial enterprise are given. A comparative analysis of data sampling time measurements based on structures and algorithms that provide the described approach to data generation, with a sample from unprepared relational tables for real problems from examples, was carried out. The texts of the corresponding SQL queries are given. The measurement results are summarized in tables and visualized in the form of a diagram. The evaluation of the results obtained is carried out, the problems of using unprepared data are described. The article also discusses the features of the analytical mechanisms of commercial accounting systems on the example of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform (registers of accumulation, information, accounting, calculations). The effectiveness of the considered mechanisms for the formation of analytical reporting was assessed in comparison with the proposed approach to data structuring.
Keywords: database, OLTP, OLAP, ETL, Data Mining, multidimensional cube, analytical reporting, data processing, transaction, information system

P. 540-548


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