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No. 3. Vol. 30. 2024

DOI: 10.17587/it.30.150-158

D. S. Pashchenko, Ph.D. Tech. Sciences, MBA, independent consultant in software development,
Moscow, 125368, Russian Federation

Consolidation of a New Organizational and Production Paradigm in Software Development Projects

This article discusses the current process of consolidation a new organizational and production paradigm in software development projects and digital services in Europe and Russia. This paradigm combines the possibilities of completely remote work of engineers in projects with deep adaptation of production and management processes (internal automation, communications visualization, risk management, etc.). To solve the actual scientific and practical task of determining the main properties of the new paradigm in the IT industry, industry studies for 2020-2023 were summarized and considered the sequence of influencing factors: from the use of geographically distributed development in software projects since the end of the last century to modern trends in workflow virtualization under the influence of the COVID pandemic and the use of artificial intelligence in software development. The paper also pays attention to the role and reasons for the emergence of a "hybrid" model for organizing the work of IT companies, when a team works together in the office several days a week, and several outside it. The results of the analyzed studies confirm that in 2023, fully remote work and the "hybrid" model are less and less dependent on the risks of a pandemic, are economically successful when used in the IT industry and create a completely new reality in the competitive struggle in the global IT market.
Keywords: COVID, fully remote mode, FRM, "hybrid" work week model, change management, organizational paradigm

P. 150-158


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