Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie, 2017, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 824—828
DOI: 10.17587/mau.18.824-828

Methodological Basis of Symbiotic Design Environments Simulators for Mechatronic and Robotic Systems

S. F. Sergeev, sspost@mail.ru, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Corresponding author: Sergeev Sergei F., Dr. of psychology Sciences, Professor, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg,
e-mail: sspost@mail.ru

Accepted on September 15, 2017

The article is devoted to the methodology of designing simulators for operators of complex systems that create a symbiotic interactive intellectual environment. The problem of professional training of operators of robotic and mechatronic systems operating in the conditions of supervisor, remote and direct control using an interface based on virtual, supplemented and induced reality is relevant and of independent importance, despite the widespread use of simulators simulating the real-world environment. There were new types of professional and educational activities related to the setting of tasks and the creation of target installations for intelligent agents of automatic systems, the formation and management of missions of robots and mechatronic systems. Simulative training integrates with the cognitive study of the professional environment, including in it, the acquisition and application of knowledge. Complex robotic systems, providing a wide field of activity to the operator, require him to respond in a timely manner to random and unique events leading to emergency and non-standard situations. In the group of operator activity there is a special form of self-organizing communication that forms the governing discourse of the ergatic system. These properties of complex systems are not taken into account in classical simulator training, but are crucial when preparing operators and users of robots and mechatronic systems. The way out of this situation was the transition to a non-classical version of environment-oriented learning. The main features of this conceptual scheme and prospects for its development within the framework of constructivism and the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions are considered in the article. The problems of increasing the training efficiency of operators of robotic systems are considered, due to the intellectualization of training and training environments. It is supposed to create an active interactive environment involving the interaction of the artificial intelligence of the learning environment that creates rich associative fields around the basic concepts and algorithms of the studied
professional activity with the intellect of the trainees. It is advisable to keep a record of the complete history of the training and operation of all operators and the conditions for the application of a particular robotic system. Training is considered as an element of support and maintenance of autopoietics cycles of functioning and development of the operator in the process of intelligent symbiosis.
Keywords: teaching environment, teaching orientation, symbiotic forms of intellectual associations

For citation:

Sergeev S. F. Methodological Basis of Symbiotic Design Environments Simulators for Mechatronic and Robotic Systems, Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie,, 2017, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 824—828.

DOI: 10.17587/mau.18.824-828

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