ISSN 1684-6427
Abstracted and indexed scientific repositories and bibliographic systems:
Russian Science Citation Index (Web of Science),
Inspec (EBSCOhost),
Science Index (Elibrary), VINITI RAN,

The mission of the Journal is to cover the current state, trends and prospectives of mechatronics development. Mechatronics today is the priority field in the technosphere as it combines mechanics, electronics, automatics and informatics in order to improve manufacturing processes and to develop new generations of equipment, including qualitatively new modules, systems, machines and machine systems with intelligent control of functional motion.
The Journal covers topical issues of development, creation, implementation and operation of mechatronic systems and technologies in such fields as machine tool industry, robotics, aerospace engineering, biomedical instrumentation and consumer devices.
The Journal also investigates problems surrounding the theory and practice of the automatic and automated management of technical objects and technological processes in the production sector, power economy and in transport. |
The main topics of the Journal:
General issues in mechatronics
Kinematics and dynamics of mechatronic systems
Electronics of mechatronic systems
Sensing elements and mechatronic systems
Actuating elements and devices in mechatronic systems
Modules and components of mechatronic systems and technologies
Simulation of mechatronic systems and technologies
Control of mechatronic systems and automation of mechatronic technologies
IT solutions in mechatronic systems
Intellectualisation of mechatronic systems and technologies
Computer-aided design of mechatronic systems and technologies
Monitoring, diagnostics and trial run of mechatronic systems
Robotic systems
Flexible manufacturing and machining systems
Customized mechatronic systems and technologies
Application of mechatronic systems and technologies (know-how in creation, implementation and branch mechatronic systems and technologies operation: machine tools, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, household appliances, etc.)
Reliability, quality, standards and certification in mechatronics
Economic and social aspects of mechatronics
Training in the field of mechatronics.
Editor in chief - FILIMONOV, Nikolai B. Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor.
Editorial Board,
4 Stromynsky Lane,
Journal "Mechatronics, Automation, Control" published by New Technologies.
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