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N. 9, 2014

V. I. Lovchakov, Professor,, Tula State University

Switching Functions of the Optimum Speed Regulator for Four Integrators

Solution of time optimal control problem in the feedback form is actual technical and theoretical problem even for linear objects of low order. There is high practical demand for fast-acting control systems, directly defining performance of many technical devices and aggregates. But, in spite of this, time optimal control problem is completely (analytically) solved only for second order objects. For third order objects time optimal control is exactly obtained only for several cases, specifically, for series connection of three integrators. Thus for fourth and higher order objects analytical solutions of time optimal control problem are unknown.
The present work is devoted to the development of exactly time optimal feedback algorithm for the control object, consisted of four series-connected integrators. Switching function of optimal relay regulator is obtained by the solution of partial differential equation using its integral bases. Two switching functions providing time optimality of control system are determined. These functions are found in the form of polynomials with fractional powers of integral basis elements. It is proposed a hypothesis that for investigated control object, aside of mentioned time optimal feedback laws, other switching functions exist having analogous structure and equivalent performance.
Keywords: criterion of speed, an optimum regulator, switching function, the equation in private derivatives, integrated basis

P. 3—6

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D. N. Anisimov, Associate professor,, E. D. Drozdova, Student, V. N. Novikov, Postgraduate student, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Construction of Fuzzy Regulator Approximating Model Based on Identification by the Method of Exponential Modulation

Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) find a wide application in automatic control systems. However, one of grand problems is FLC tuning ensuring required system quality rating. Subject to selected FLC structure and fuzzy inference algorithm various factors exert influence on control quality.
Particularly one can specify following basic factors having an effect on CLR based on relational models functioning:

  • number of terms of input and output variables;
  • form of values of linguistic variables constituting its term-sets membership functions;
  • character of fuzzy relation between antecedent and consequent spaces (rule base);
  • method of defuzzification;
  • choice of one or another logical basis (T-norms).

Thus the number of degrees of freedom when making of fuzzy control system is sufficiently large. On the one hand this property ensures flexibility of FLC tuning. On the other hand large quantity of factor combinations complicates search of rational decision of controller tuning problem. Therefore estimation of each of these factors influence on control system dynamic properties seems important.
An original approach for FLC research is suggested. It consist in construction of fuzzy regulator approximating FLC model in a form of linear PD-controller and estimation of its parameters. This estimation is made using identification by the method of exponential modulation. This approach makes it possible to correlate FLC with well-known traditional linear controllers.
Keywords: fuzzy regulator, membership function, approximating model, PD-regulator, identification, method of exponential modulation

P. 6—12

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E. D. Ilin, Postgraduate student,, V. I. Shiryaev, Professor,, South Ural state university, Chelyabinsk

About Guaranteed Estimation of Disturbances in Linear Dynamic Systems

The article describes guaranteed disturbances and measuring errors estimation problem in linear dynamic systems. The original problem is transformed to linear inequalities system solving problem. Its solution is a set of disturbance vector meanings that are compatible with the linear inequalities system. Getting the precise solution of linear inequalities system is a computationally complicated problem, so it is suggested to find an approximation of the solution. The algorithm main idea is to find the disturbances or measuring errors estimations by solving the corresponding linear programming problems. The examples are given for two cases. The first case shows the estimation of the unknown constant component of disturbances vector. The second case is about estimating disturbances that has the additional restriction for the rate of change.
Keywords: guaranteed filtering, disturbances estimation, measuring errors estimation, linear inequalities systems

P. 12—16

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V. G. Gradetsky, Science research leader, Professor,, M. M. Knyazkov, Science research senior, A. A. Kriukova, Postgraduate student, E. A. Semionov, Science research senior, A. N. Sukhanov, Postgraduate student, L. F. Fomin, Science researcher, Institute for Problems in Mechanics named A. Yu. Ishlinski of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dynamics of Vacuum Contact Devices of Mobile Robots

Vacuum grippers are used for reliable attachment of mobile robots' hulls to vertical surfaces. In the particular paper processes of vacuum creation in different types of mobile robots with vacuum grippers and sealing edge are analyzed and discussed. A sealing edge is characterized by the pressure difference between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure inside the vacuum chamber. The vacuum inside that chamber is created by the ventilator unlike walking mobile platforms where the vacuum is created by ejectors in grippers. Linearized equations of vacuum creation process in the vacuum chambers attached to the surface are provided.
For the experimental tasks the experimental techniques were discussed and laboratory equipment was created. The influence of different processes of vacuum creation on the dynamic characteristics of different types of mobile robots with vacuum grippers and sealing edge are analyzed.
Resonance frequencies, frequency ranges, time of transient processes are discussed.
Keywords: mobile climbing robots, vacuum attachment to the surface, dynamics of transient processes, sealing edge, resonance

P. 17—22

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O. A. Tyagunov, Professor,, M. A. Teplov, Postgraduate student,, Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Pareto-Optimal Adjustment of the Typical Regulators in the Stabilization Robot's Azimuth System's of the Mobile Robotic Complex

In this article, statement of a problem adjustments of parameters typical regulators for stabilization of mobot's azimuth is considered. For the decision of a problem, the technology of the multiobjective choice of the parameters based on stochastic exploration of multivariate space of parameters with the subsequent construction of the approached border of Pareto's points has been offered. Methods of azimuth stabilization for different type mobots were pointed out. Degree of stability and oscillation were selected as optimization criteria. In a number of experiments, Pareto's points for four types of controllers were obtained. By applying the Systems Analysis software, it has been pointed that the best transient process parameters may be obtained if PDD or PIDD controllers are used for azimuth stabilization. A simulation model developed with the Universal Mechanism software complex was used to test the controllers' adjustment obtained.
Keywords: mobot, azimuth stabilization, multiobjective choice, typical regulators, Pareto's points, stochastic exploration

P. 23—29

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V. T. Sharovatov, Professor,, P. P. Chernus', Postgraduate student,,, Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" Named After D. F. Ustinov

Mathematical Model of a Strength Part of a Push Type Single-Acting Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder

In this article it is reviewing a new type of a nontraditional pneumatic driven device — a push type single acting forced membranate rodless pneumatic cylinder, where as a strength part is used a bellow cylinder, which is made by the company "Festo" (Germany). There is substantiated actuality of creation of this driven device. Also there is substantiated actuality of development of a reliable mathematical model of a strength part of this driven device, which fully enough takes into consideration behavior of a compressed gas. In research were used some equations of a gas dynamics, which were simplified and linearized with an experience of an engineering practice. There are given main formulas and results of theoretical calculations.
Keywords: forced membranate element, gas processes, linearization point, mathematical model, pneumatic cylinder, bellow cylinder

P. 30—36

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V. A. Lebedev, Chief designer,, PWI E. O. Paton NASU, Kiev, G. A. Plehotko, Engineer, LLC "Electrical-New Technologies", Odessa

Electric Wire Feed in Mechanized Arc Welding Equipment Feedback on Process

The problem of introduction of the drive mechanism mechanized welding equipment with digital control signal about-military ties, which the selected arc voltage.
The expediency of using ready-made designs regulators valve actuators for special development which needed special set-point — shaper feedback — is considered.
Describes the structure of the shaper feedback, and an algorithm of its funkment. Deals with the problem of choice of filter for shaper feedback.
The main units of the new system of management of submission of electrode wire example of technical implementation are considered.
The data are provided enabling to evaluate advantages of the new system of management in its application in the mechanized equipment for arc welding.
The technical data and the results of experimental studies of the new development are given and the opportunities it gives for the technique and technology of arc mechanized welding are shown.
Keywords: arc welding, mechanized equipment, the transfer of electrode metal, control, feedback, power, transport drops

P. 37—40

Yu. A. Burian, Professor,, V. N. Sorokin, Professor, Yu. F. Galuza, Postgraduate student,, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, S. N. Poliakov, Research engineer, Assistant professor, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific-Production Enterprise "Progress"

Active Vibration Mount with Extremal System Control

The paper deals with the active vibration isolation system, in which actuator effort formation made by means of the accelerometer signal, which leads to a result similar to the use of inertial motion transformer. It is shown that dependence of transmission coefficient of vibration force on the basis of the vibration exposure frequency has an extreme, allowing to build extreme regulator, which is based on information about the amplitude of the signal from the force sensor varies the transmission actuator in a predetermined frequency range, providing minimum of the transmission coefficient. Modeling the dynamics of the active vibration isolation system in MATLAB/Simulink environment showed the effectiveness of such a system.
In work the system analysis with the polyharmonic vibrating machines extreme regulator providing, as the ratio of the variances of efforts on the ground and from the vibrations emitting unit is carried out.
The study shows the principal possibility of constructing an active vibration isolation system with extreme regulator, which increases the efficiency of vibration isolation in a predetermined range of frequencies by automatic adjustment of the minimum gain value as in the single-frequency and under polyharmonic action.
The results can be used in the design of active isolation systems.
Keywords: isolator, active vibration isolation system, extreme regulator, polyharmonic action, adjustment frequency, force transmission coefficient, variance, force sensor, accelerometer, actuator

P. 41—44

V. S. Melentiev, Head of Department, Professor,, V. I. Batishchev, Head of Department, Professor,, T. S. Evstifeeva, Postgraduate Student,, K. D. Levina, Postgraduate student,, The Samara state technical university

Investigation of the Method of Measuring the Parameters of Capacitive Displacement Sensors

The new method of measurement of capacitor sensors parameters on instant values of two transients, providing increase of an accuracy of informative parameter determination at the expense of the accounting of limited value of isolation resistance of the sensor is investigated. Unlike the known methods providing separate definition as capacities and resistance of isolation of the sensor, use of a method allows to begin the measurement process in any time point after connection of direct current voltage to a measuring chain. The scheme of the measuring means realizing a method is provided, and modes of its work are considered. The analysis of influence of resistance of the connecting conductors attaching the sensor to a measuring chain, on an error of the result of informative parameter measurement is carried out. Results of the analysis show essential dependence of measurement accuracy on a ratio between a sample interval of time and a time constant of a measuring chain and between resistance of connecting conductors and resistance of the sample resistor.
The results received in this work allow to choose optimum parameters of a measuring chain and a measuring process for reduction of this type of an error.
Keywords: capacitive sensors, transient, instant values, an error, resistance of connecting conductors, measuring circuit

P. 45—49

A. A. Bolshakov, Professor, A. A. Kulik, Postgraduate student,, V. P. Glazkov, Professor,, V. V. Lobanov, Associate professor, Saratov state technical university named after Yuri Gagarin

Designing System for Control of Training Technology the Receiving and Amplifying Tubes

In article considered the stages of production the receiving and amplifying tubes. The schematic diagram and principle operation the control system of technology training the receiving and amplifying tubes are adduces in article. Particular attention is paid to design the algorithm for control the parameters of training mode of the receiving and amplifying tubes.
The article shows application the systems and devices of automation in production of receiving and amplifying tubes. Also algorithm for control the parameters of training mode can found the errors parameters of the training mode of the receiving and amplifying tubes on different levels of operation. The design system for control of training technology the receiving and amplifying tubes is connected with solution the next tasks: to design the organization scheme for traffic information between operation and factory devices; to design the algorithm for control the parameters training mode. The results work of the algorithm are two reports which contain the information about stage training mode and errors of the parameters mode.
Keywords: the receiving and amplifying tubes, training technology, control system

P. 49—52

P. A. Budko, Professor,, A. M. Vinogradenko, Associate professor,, A. I. Litvinov, Graduated in a military academy,, Military academy of communication of Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budenny, St. Petersburg

Pilot Studies on Application Kinetic Control Method and Diagnostics Technical Means

Results of pilot studies of application of a kinetic control method and diagnostics of technical means are reflected in article upon transition to their maintenance on the actual technical condition that is further improvement of systems of contactless control and diagnostics, realizing physics and technology methods of nondestructive control. Scientific experiment of applicability of a method is made on the example of test of the switching equipment of power electric equipment of the industrial facility, carrying out switching of electric chains in various modes of functioning. Highlights in dynamics of transient are considered at change of geometry of the magnetic conductor, considered when forming mathematical model of the switching device in the key mode, being used for the diagnostic purposes. The kinetics that of the switching device is received on the basis of solutions of the equation of movement of mobile part of a magnetic conductor and the equation of change of current in a winding of the switching device. Thus resultant magnetic flux depends on gap size in a magnetic conductor and defines kinetics of process of movement. The diagnostic value of information on a deviation of kinetics is established experimentally for each concrete type of devices. The executed experiments completely confirmed high dependence of kinetics of current in a transitional mode of the switching device both from a mode of its work, and from traffic conditions of an anchor and elements, related mechanically. The theoretical researches presented by authors in the previous issue of the magazine, are confirmed experimentally and showed efficiency of the considered kinetic control method and diagnostics of technical means.
Keywords: technical tool, control, diagnostics, technical condition, kinetics, experiment, magnetic conductor

P. 53—58

A. S. Devyatisil'nyi, Main researcher,, K. A. Chislov, Researcher,, Institute of Automation and Control Processes (IACP) Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS)

Integrated Neural Network System for Evaluation of Mobile Platform Orientation Parameters

In the paper the problem of determining the angular velocity vector and orientation in space of the mobile object is investigated. For this purpose an integrated inertial-satellite navigation system is proposed. It includes unit of gyroscopic angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) and on-board network of navigation information multi positional receiving from satellites. Gyroscopes measure an absolute angular velocity of the object. Multi positional receiving provides the estimation of orientation matrix for on-board coordinate trihedron relatively inertial reference frame. The mathematical model of the integrated system is a model of the "state-measurement"-type inverse problem, where equations of state are the kinematic Poisson equations and measurement equations are formed on the base of on-board multi positional receiving. Thus, correction problem of the integrated system "in the small" is formulated. Its solution is aimed to estimate in real time the vector of state, including vectors of small angles of rotation and the angular velocity of the object. For this purpose is developed the neuromorphic algorithm for integration of inertial and satellite information, which based on multi-model interpretation of the Kalman filter and reflects some of the basic properties of the functioning of the central nervous system. An important feature of the implementation of this algorithm is using an artificial neural network. Algorithm is implemented as a virtual artificial neural network. The solvability of the problem and the stability of its solution are substantiated. Implementation of neural network is represented as a set of optimizing parallel systems. The results of computational simulation are presented.
Keywords: inertial sensors, satellite navigation system, neural network, biological neurol, inverse problem, Kalman filter

P. 60—63

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M. O. Kostishin, Postgraduate,, A. V. Shukalov, Associate professor,, P. P. Paramonov, Professor,, O. O. Zharinov, Associate professor,, Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, I. O. Zharinov, Head of Chair,, Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace equipment

Algorithms Automation Configuration Bootable Components Aeronautical Information and Geoinformation Data Avionics

The problem of automating configuration avionics geospatial data using computer-aided design. For use on board aircraft cartographic information used bots mapping system (BSKI) designed to hold an array of cartographic information and synthesizing video image avionics geospatial data output to the board indicating means. The main problem BSKI operation associated with the need to quickly change the memory card digital cartographic data BSKI array in different areas of the aircraft, in connection with which the authors consider the problem of the development workstation operator training and downloading map information. Provides a functional diagram of operator's workplace Named cartographic information system BSKI. Workplace was developed with participation of the authors. Just an algorithm for forming components in the vehicle's boot cartographic system describing the functions of computer aided design. Describes the conversion circuit scale display digital cartographic data array. The block diagram of digital cartographic array loaded into BSKI.
Keywords: Navigation, mapping, airborne systems, geoinformation resource, digital dataset operator position

P. 64—72

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